Tax compliance (i.e., tax return preparation) is a mere portion of our comprehensive tax practice. Of equal or perhaps greater importance is the tax planning function we provide for our clients. We have developed close relationships with many of our clients as a result of continuous interaction throughout the year. We believe that proper tax planning is much like continuous exercise. One lofty meeting prior to April 15th will not accomplish our clients’ goals. Rather, continuous and tireless implementation of a tax plan throughout the year will ultimately help our clients retain their wealth.
Income Tax Strategies
Retirement Planning – Among the most important services we provide is helping our clients plan for retirement in the most tax-efficient way possible. Our advisors and tax professionals combine knowledge to help our clients understand how much they need to retire, how those retirement funds will be taxed, and how to create current year tax benefits from your savings.
Tax Planning with 179 and Bonus Depreciation – Our tax professionals never advocate needless spending for the sole purpose of reducing taxable income. However, when our clients have decided to make a large capital purchase independent of potential tax benefits, we help plan to ensure our clients purchase the most tax beneficial asset. Section 179 depreciation and 168(k) bonus depreciation are examples of code sections that discriminate among similar assets, providing some assets with a tremendously more tax beneficial treatment than seemingly similar assets. When faced with a capital asset decision, we help our clients navigate through these often complex rules.
Estate Tax Strategies
Please see the estate tax strategies section of our “Attorneys” section to learn more.
Tax Strategies for High Income Individuals
Learn more in R.C. Acosta & Associates, CPAs’s “Advisors” section by perusing our Section 79 Plan information, as well as our advice on 831(b) Captives.